
Friday, 15 February 2013

HI my name kishan and im year 5 in room fourteen at PT England school. MY favourite teacher is Miss Ouano. I really enjoy maths i hope you enjoy my blog !


  1. Hi kishan it was relly cool playing waih you were a relly kind boy to me.from james

  2. Hi Kishan!

    I'm Wannetta from the the United States. I go to school in Mobile Alabama at the University of South Alabama. I plan to be a teacher when I finish school. I am in a class right now called EDM310 and we blog in this class just like you! How cool is that?

    Thank you for sharing your post. Miss Ouano must be a great teacher!

    What is your favorite color?
    Are you reading any books right now in class? What is your favorite book?

    I see that you like math. That is great. Math is a fun subject. Stick with it. What kind of problems are you doing in math class?

    Thank you again for sharing this post on your blog! I hope to hear from you soon Kishan! Keep up the good work.

    Wannetta Fincher


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