
Friday, 8 July 2016

winter learning sports

if I where alive in 2792 years ago and I had to pick a sport it will be wrestling because I know different types of Technic . if I was not able to pick it I who'd pick boxing and why you ask it is, because I know how it is going to be like . but this is in 2792 years ago so we did no't have the gloves we have so they had to use lather for the glove .

1 comment:

  1. Namaste Kishan,

    Welcome to the Winter Learning Journey programme! I am so happy that you've joined us and I'm looking forward to blogging with you over the next few weeks.

    I enjoyed reading your first post about boxing. I think that you have made a great choice and a brave one! Boxing would have been really hard in the ancient Olympic, particularly given that they didn't have boxing gloves to use. Ouch - their hands must have gotten really bruised and sore!

    Cheers, Rachel


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